If you've been residing in Beijing for some time, you might be looking to transfer some money back to your home country. To do this, you'll usually need to present proof of tax payments. While obtaining your tax records might seem challenging, the tax app makes it surprisingly straightforward! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to access them.
Step One
To start, download the tax app by searching for "个人所得税" in your app store.
Step Two
Next, you will need to create an account to use the app. If you've previously applied for an individual tax refund, you should already have an account and can skip this step. If not, you will have to visit the tax office to get a registration code. For information on how to visit the tax office, refer to this article.
Step Three
Launch the tax app and tap on "我的" (me) located in the bottom right corner.
Step Four
Select "注册/登录" (register/login) in the center of the page.
Step Five
Enter your account username, which can be your phone number or passport number, along with your password. Then drag the validation bar below and tap "登录" to log in.
Step Six
Once logged in, scroll down and click on the button labeled "纳税记录开具" (tax record issuance) on the homepage.
Step Seven
Choose the start and end dates for the tax period for which you wish to download your tax records. The earliest year you can select is 2019, as that’s when the tax app was launched. Also, keep in mind that you can only generate tax records for a maximum of three years, and you can only produce a maximum of three tax records in a single day.
Step Eight
Tap "保存" (save) in the bottom right corner, and the documents will be saved as images on your phone. Depending on the length of the selected period, there may be several images saved.
And that’s it! Quite simple, right? If you're interested in learning more about transferring money internationally, you can check out this article.
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Images: Canva, the Beijingers
Here’s a detailed guide on how to obtain your tax records so you can remit money back home.