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How to Activate Type and Translate in WeChat

How to Activate Type and Translate in WeChat

      We recently found a feature on WeChat that translates your text automatically as you type. To access this feature, simply long press in the text box and select translate. It currently supports translations in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and English, although some users from Beijing report the availability of additional languages.

      Some users mentioned they have been using this feature for some time, but for many, it has recently appeared as an option. Others have noted that the feature is not visible in their WeChat. If you do not see the translate function, consider the following steps:

      1. Ensure you are using the latest version of WeChat (version 8.0.56).

      2. Check that your phone's software is up to date.

      3. Try switching your keyboard, as some keyboards may not support the translation feature. You could revert to your phone’s default keyboard or try another one. One keyboard that has worked for us is Google's GBoard.

      If these suggestions do not work, there is an alternative method we tested that requires changing your WeChat to Chinese:

      1. Change your WeChat language to Chinese by going to "me," then "settings," followed by "general," and then selecting "language" to choose "简体中文" (Simplified Chinese).

      2. Search for your name to start a chat with yourself, then send the same message in English three times, such as "how are you," "how are you," "how are you."

      3. You should then see a pop-up: "长按输入框可以开启边写边译" (press and hold the input box to enable translation while writing).

      4. Now, when you long press, "边写边译" (write and translate) should appear as an option.

      5. Finally, change your WeChat back to English by clicking on "我" (me) in the bottom right, then "设置" (settings) at the bottom, followed by "通用" (general), then "多语言" (more languages), and selecting "English."

      6. When you enter a chat and long press, "translate" should now show up as an option.

      Did you manage to get this to work? Let us know in the comments!

      READ: How To Get Your Tax Records for International Money Transfers

      Images: Canva, the Beijingers

How to Activate Type and Translate in WeChat How to Activate Type and Translate in WeChat How to Activate Type and Translate in WeChat How to Activate Type and Translate in WeChat

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How to Activate Type and Translate in WeChat

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