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How to Pursue Your Chinese New Year's Resolution Hobby on Taobao

How to Pursue Your Chinese New Year's Resolution Hobby on Taobao

      If you've missed the mark on your 2025 Western New Year's resolution, now is the perfect opportunity to embrace the second chance that comes with Chinese New Year's resolutions! Let's be honest... anything related to fitness often ends in disappointment, although healthy meal planning could offer some benefits. Instead, why not explore a new hobby that won't leave you drenched in sweat and gasping for air?

      For inspiration, as always, we look to Taobao (since online shopping is practically a hobby itself). Here are a few suggestions to make the Year of the Tiger your most creative one!


      Mastering the art of beautiful handwriting requires dedication and a lot of practice, as well as some specific tools. Traditional Chinese calligraphy uses a brush, while a fountain pen is suited for alphabetic calligraphy. Keep in mind that brushes generally need to be dipped in ink prior to use, whereas fountain pens can either be dipped or utilize an ink cartridge. Whether you're interested in exploring a part of Chinese culture or simply want to impress someone special with your fancy handwriting, both tools achieve a similar effect: strokes become wider with more pressure and narrower with less, resulting in more expressive script.

      To start this hobby, search for:

      Calligraphy pen: 书法笔 shūfǎ bǐ

      Calligraphy brush: 毛笔 máobǐ

      Fountain pen: 钢笔 gāngbǐ

      Ink: 墨水 mòshuǐ (also try: 墨水钢笔用 mòshuǐ gāngbǐ yòng or 墨水毛笔用 mòshuǐ máobǐ yòng)

      (Chinese) calligraphy paper: 书法纸 shūfǎ zhǐ

      Ink tray: 砚台 yàntai


      Once thought to be just for grandmothers, knitting is now a beloved pastime for people of all ages and genders. To counteract consumerism, many knitting enthusiasts prefer to spend their money on yarn instead of fast fashion. After mastering your stitches, you can create your own cozy blankets or even craft stuffed animals to bring joy to children in your life.

      Start this hobby by looking for:

      Knitting needles: 毛线镇 máoxiàn zhèn

      Crochet hook: 钩针 gōuzhēn

      Yarn: 毛线 máoxiàn

      Knitting pattern: 编织图案 biānzhī tú'àn

      **Needle Felting**

      If you enjoy keeping small trinkets on your desk, why not make your own out of felt? Taobao has various starter kits that include different colors of raw felt and the specific type of needle required for crafting your tiny creations. (If you have yarn lying around, you can create your own felt by shredding it.) Keep in mind that needle felting is typically more time-consuming than clay sculpting, but you won’t need access to a kiln. Once you become familiar with the technique, you can begin creating unique designs, or you can easily find preset projects to start with.

      (Warning: These needles are extremely sharp and should not be used by very young children.)

      To begin this hobby, search for:

      Needle felting: 羊毛毡戳戳乐 yáng máozhān chuō chuō lè

      Needle felting needle: 戳针 chuō zhēn

      Do-it-yourself felting tools: 毛毡手工DIY工具 máozhān shǒugōng DIY gōngjù

      Felting brush base: 毛毡底刷 máozhān dǐ shuā

      **Candle Making**

      Maintaining a pleasant-smelling home is essential, and while Taobao offers plenty of pre-made candles, making your own could be more cost-effective, especially if you use them frequently. This hobby is also great for experimentation and can keep you occupied. You can either purchase a DIY kit or buy items individually.

      To start making candles, search for:

      Paraffin wax: 石蜡 shílà

      Beeswax (for candle making): 蜂蜡 (蜡烛用) fēnglà (làzhú yòng)

      Wick: 烛芯 zhú xīn

      Fragrance oils: 香精油 xiāng jīngyóu

      Kitchen thermometer: 温度计厨房用 wēndùjì chúfáng yòng

      Melting pot: 融化锅 rónghuà guō

      Glass Jar: 玻璃罐 bōlí guàn

      **Chain Jewelry Making**

      Another hobby with countless possibilities, chain weaving can be both challenging and rewarding for beginners as they progress from simple patterns to intricate designs. A chain can effortlessly become a stylish bracelet or necklace, and incorporating

How to Pursue Your Chinese New Year's Resolution Hobby on Taobao How to Pursue Your Chinese New Year's Resolution Hobby on Taobao How to Pursue Your Chinese New Year's Resolution Hobby on Taobao How to Pursue Your Chinese New Year's Resolution Hobby on Taobao How to Pursue Your Chinese New Year's Resolution Hobby on Taobao How to Pursue Your Chinese New Year's Resolution Hobby on Taobao

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